Charm Reading


"These old bones will tell your story
These old bones will never lie
These old bones will tell you surely
What you can't see with your eye
These old bones, I shake and rattle
These old bones, I toss and roll
And it's all in where they scatter
Tells you what the future holds."

-These Old Bones song by Dolly Parton

Charm Readings are an intuitive divinatory technique also known as the ancient art of Cleromancy and thus is also partly inspired by Osteomancy. Cleromancy is dervided from “kleros” an ancient Greek word meaning “a lot” as in casing lots such as dice, bits of wood or bone. Osteomancy is the art of bone-reading or more commonly known as “throwing bones”.

Once I have meditated and have put myself in the appropriate state of mind, performing a reading is fairly simple. Before scattering the charms I focus on your question and shake them in my hands; I ask them to show me what you need to know. Once they are scattered, I intuitively interpret the charms according to how they have landed on the mat. The key to reading charms is by looking closely at their placements in relation to each other along with how close they are to the very center of the matt.

Something very interesting I must point out about this tool set is that it is living. What I mean by that is that the set will change and evolve with me as charms are added or sometimes disappear throughout my lifetime. Each piece that I add carries a specific spiritual meaning and often has a deep personal connection attached to it as well. In order for a piece to become a charm, I bless it in the moonlight and charge it with the intent to pull answers straight from the source of all knowledge. At this current time the only actual animal piece or “bone” in my charm set is an ethically sourced Cayote tooth.

Both online and in person readings may include a written response and a picture of the reading. If you or someone you know are visually impaired, audio message recordings are may also be available instead or along side written responses.

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I am legally required to state that all my readings are for entertainment purposes only.


Pendulum Reading